Friday, April 29, 2011

[Backlog] I don't even--

Otherwise known as, I fail at updating. Wow, over 2 weeks. I fully admit, I forgot about this entirely. But at this point I feel comfortable blaming it on the fact that I was preoccupied with my 3 week period of finals crunch time/writing two papers/going to Anime Boston. In the meantime, I'll give you what would have been my current projects, had I, you know, been updating in a timely fashion.

This is a tree frog, commissioned by a friend of mine as a gift for her mother. His legs are pose-able, because they've got pipe cleaners on the inside. Overall, very pleased with how this came out, considering I made up the whole pattern as I was going along.

This is the case I made for my new iPod touch! I could tell you all the tragic story about how I stupidly lost the one I had for many, many years by leaving it on an airplane, but that would take too long XD Not to mention this case looks a lot better than the old one. Design was meant to be steampunk, and I think I succeeded, to a small degree. Also I made all that lace myself :3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

[Current Project] Booster Gold and Blue Beetle

Again. I repeat, failure to update in any sort of timely fashion. I'm hereby revoking my statement about actually updating twice a week. Pffft I'm funny sometimes.

Anyway, this time I bring you superheroes! I actually did some stuff like adding earlumps to Blue Beetle and mouths to both of them after I took this picture, but then promptly forgot to take a picture of the actual finished product.

These were commissioned by a friend of mine, who I think secretly knows that I have a weakness for total bros. Which these two are. See, they're even attempting a brofist for the pic (it took a while to get them to actually stay standing like that XD)