Sunday, February 27, 2011

[Backlog] First doll ever?

So,  I've been making these dolls for about 3 years now, and I have to say that I've come a looong way since I started XD I started when I was browsing in the book store, and found a copy of Creepy Cute Crochet, bought it, and learned just how much fun amigurumi was. Since then, I've moved on to making both bigger and smaller sized dolls, and predominantly make the bigger ones these days.

This is the first big doll that I ever made--it's Guy, from Tales of the Abyss. It was a gift to one of my friends for helping me out with a project of mine (cutting a wig to be exact.) Not the greatest thing I've ever made, but overall, not a bad start~

Monday, February 21, 2011

[Current Project] Aradia

So, the other day I finally finished my current commission project. Bringing you pictures because I'm extremely proud with how it turned out. This was an experiment, both in learning how to make pointy hoods/hats, and WINGS. Those wings were quite a challenge, let me tell you XD

This is Aradia, from the webcomic Homestuck. Commissioned by one of my friends. She both sits and stands, her arms move up and down, her wings will technically "flap", and her horns have wire on the inside, so they are pose-able, to a degree.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

[Backlog] Octopi

aI have a feeling it is quickly going to become my habit to post here at hours of the night a wiser person would be doing things other than thinking to update blogs that might belong to them. I've been a little slow in working on my current project, due to a combination of school and my own inherent ability to procrastinate. In the meantime, I'll start on my backlog of dolls I've made in the past.

Today, I bring you my experiments in making cephalopods.

This is slightly-vicious-opus. He was my first experiment in making an octopus pattern. He currently sits on top of my television, "guarding" it.

This is watermelon-opus. He was an opportunistic creation, made mostly from the inspiration of having only 4 colors of yarn available, two of them being pink and green. He's currently searching for a home. (you also have the lovely bonus of a view of a portion of my roommate's half of the room)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Welcome to myself..?

So...the best thing to say here is hello, right?

I've got friends who have been urging me to actually start keeping track of the dolls I make, and I guess after said friends all made blogs, it made sense to jump on their bandwagon. My goal will be to post at least three times a week, either with complete dolls, updates on the projects I'm currently working on, or with pictures of past projects.

Please to meet anyone who may be reading, and I look forward to working with this in the future.